The Bulb Invasion

Okay People !
Here follows my first blog entry.

Try ignoring the flamboyance in the statement ; Yes! I am a perfectionist .Thats why it is important for me to choose my words right. I don't want to see a mistake in my first blog and neither want you to dive for one. It is supposed to be a "crazy" ideas blog : NOT some kind of English grammar test that I took in my school days.

Statutory Warnings over, let me get back to the "greater causes" this blog was started for.

1. No. It is not because everybody else has a blog, I thought I should start off with one myself. I tried to be different from the different and ended up being the same. But thats what they call a "coincidence", right???

2. This blog is an update to what I am currently up to. "Whats cooking" from the chef himself. The sneak peek into the Sanat Rath Lab ! What else could one ask for!!!! :P

3. The things which interest me in day today life : Here you get my views and reviews on stuffs both on and off campus. I guess if that includes women too..

4. And Finally. I will like to share with the world, my awesome collection of pure "sanatized" was-that-supposed-to-be-one kind of jokes. At least you have the choice to turn off your system. Bargain, ain't it?

With all the conditions laid down before you, I am ready to deliver real wisdom. But I am kind of weary now designing the cognizance website. But I leave you with a preview of what am I dueling with.

This year's theme is "Technovating India" : A pretty challenging one as per design is concerned. How did I go about the design, the evolution of idea, the process and more in my next web log !
